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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jul 15, 2022 19:23:36 GMT
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 has been busy as of late, but still he tries his damnedest to make sure that ro gets to spend some weekends with him. things haven't been easy since, well, everything, but they're getting....better. better enough that willow can feel good about leaving roman out of sight for the weekend. 

it's been odd getting used to these days. these weekends to herself. she's quick to excuse herself after the handoff, afraid if she steps through the threshold of bo's apartment, into his life, she'll be tempted to stay. 

most of the time she hurries back to the farm, but ophelia's taking care of the shop and adelaide has her mother for the day. so she stops by an old haunt of hers for a cappuccino. 

she sips it, wandering aimlessly down the center of town, and doesn't know what she's looking for until she hears it. a few plucky guitar strings pique her interest and she crosses the street to watch a young girl perform.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jul 15, 2022 21:19:14 GMT
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a couple hundred followers online isn't shit, a couple months of fiddling with a guitar isn't shit, that's why roxie's out on the corner strumming away. doing her best to sing her heart out in front of an audience of people who don't give a shit that she's here.

in front of at least a few who probably wish she wasn't.

the case to her guitar is open in front of her (knocking around a few bills and coins -- maybe enough for a coffee before she heads home). her phone is recording, propped up on the wall behind her with the camera facing it. it's not for promotion but to hear how she sounds later and hopefully do something about it if it's disappointing.

right now, though, roxie isn't concerned with then. she's concerned with now. she sits hunched over her guitar and sings from the sidewalk and out into the street like no one's there. like she's in the showers at school after hours.

"and then you wipe your hands clean, splash of water, paper napkin
while the parrots sing headlines, we wear the leash like a fashion
try to take out my claws expect a visceral reaction

her voice is deeper than a lot expect. tenor. boyish. nothing she can do about it so she tries to wear it like a badge and flash it at anyone who might find it endearing. puts a growl under it that threatens anyone who doesn't.

"try to muzzle me up, i'll lash out, i'll bite back and
keep my options open
for fear of becoming housebroken

the guitar goes quiet and she becomes viscerally aware of how much she's sweating. with an affected coolness, she grabs lazily for her water bottle. an aesthetic gestured wasted by the fact that a second later she's chugging down half of it in three swallows. the plastic crinkles from the strength of her attempts to quench her thirst.

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POSTED ON Jul 16, 2022 1:21:09 GMT
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a smile lilts her lips and she keeps to the side, arms folded, periodically sipping from her cappuccino. the young woman has talent, despite her apparent lack of experience. maybe that's why willow stays. watching her get lost in her music, head down, reminds will of herself. a much younger self, with far less cares in the world, surely, but nonetheless. 

when she finishes her song, willow fishes a few bills out of her pocket, but rather than toss them in the open case, holds them out directly for the girl. 

"you're pretty good, you know. how long have you been playing?"
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POSTED ON Jul 16, 2022 19:04:22 GMT
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there's a few coins get thrown into roxie's case and she throws a few grateful nods back while sucking down water. her eyes widen a bit at the paper money brought out by a svelte hand, and she actually sets her bottle aside when it's extended past her case and straight to her.

she wipes her mouth with the back of her right hand while the left reaches out to accept the offering.

"thanks," she croaks, before clearing her throat and continuing in a clearer voice, "i'm happy you liked it, super appreciate the donation."

the money is accepted between two fingers and tucked into one of the back pockets of her jeans.

"i've only been playing a few months, been singing a lot longer but i figured acapella only gets you so far ya know?"

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POSTED ON Jul 16, 2022 22:08:41 GMT
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"should have brought a bigger water bottle," willow jokes. if she had one on her, she'd offer it, but unfortunately the will machine runs on caffeine. lots and lots of it. the cup in her hand is actually empty now, its effects still kicking in. 

"of course," she says about the donation with a wave of her hand. "mm, i don't know. your voice is unique. in a good way, i mean, but it's nice to have something that stands out." will knows hers really doesn't. 

"are you self-taught?" she asks. someone makes a noise behind her and she realizes she's been standing in front of the case this entire time. so she scoots to the side and settles down next to roxie, looking at her as if to say this okay?
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POSTED ON Jul 21, 2022 19:29:36 GMT
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roxie laughs and shakes her now drained water.

"don't i know it," she replies to the joke with playful agreement before carefully setting the empty plastic container at her side. she makes a mental note to check it between songs -- she'd feel like an ass if it rolled off and became litter somewhere.

her eyes are still on the plastic when the stranger pays her a compliment. the way it lifts roxie's spirits is physically evident, as she perks up and turns her gaze forward once more.

"my voice?"

it's husky even when she speaks. an uncomfortable reminder of unchangeable truths. roxie's not used to it being a thing of pride.

"uh, thanks. not a lot of people think that way."

without meaning to roxie finds herself looking down again at her crossed legs. it's embarrassing how one little bit of praise has her feeling all squirrely. has her face all warm.

roxie looks up again when the stranger sits down next to her. she chooses to stare at the woman's shoulder instead of her face.

"mostly, yeah. i just watch internet videos and copy what they tell me to."

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POSTED ON Jul 23, 2022 3:56:51 GMT
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"well, that's a damn shame," she says, and not just because roxie looks nervous accepting the compliment. almost like she shouldn't. willow leans back, watching the passersby, taking just a breath to remind herself that she's allowed to let the world slow down for a moment. 

she chuffs a laugh. "i admire the dedication." willow could never sit in front of a computer and painstakingly work her way through something like that. 1. she's not tech savvy. 2. roman's no help with her and her utter failure with technology. and 3., she was lucky she had a dad who wanted to teach her. 

she says as much now. "my dad was a guitarist. taught me everything i know. i'd never have your courage, though. you couldn't catch me playing on the street in front of strangers."
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POSTED ON Jul 23, 2022 15:18:49 GMT
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it's impossible for roxie to fight the urge to rub bashfully at the back of her neck as the praise just keeps coming. her eyes shift focus back to the street as she subconsciously makes herself just a little smaller -- slouching forward and pressing her shoulders inward.

"i mean it just is what it is, do with what you've got. it's not a big deal," she replies. for lack of anything else to do with her hands she absent-mindedly goes about tuning her guitar. it doesn't need it.

usually roxie isn't one to talk about parents, but the way this stranger so warmly regards her father spreads a little warmth to her by proxy. it helps that the little bit of backstory is followed almost immediately by another compliment.

"that's really cool," she murmurs over her guitar, "the dad thing, the teacher, that's sick. i'd take that over the courage to busk or whatever any day."

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POSTED ON Jul 25, 2022 2:31:36 GMT
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and that is where willow gets her bright idea. she doesn't have time to offer guitar lessons, but she might have time if she were compensated in some way. and roxie would probably learn a lot more with a teacher than she would practicing on sidewalks, no one there to guide her. 

but she doesn't say anything, not wanting to push the poor girl. she already looks like she's folding under willow's compliments. ah, to be so young and naive. really, she reminds willow of herself. and maybe that's why she's so fond of her already. 

"it's easy to get in the habit of selling yourself short," willow says instead. she smiles sideways at her.

"so, what do you like to do when you're not busking?"
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POSTED ON Jul 28, 2022 19:33:16 GMT
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like a roller coaster, roxie goes from down and quiet to playful and bright.

"how else am i gonna sell myself? false advertisement is a crime, ya know," the response is thrown out with a cheeky smile and a peal of laughter.

it's a double-whammy of self-deprecation. the obvious downplay of her own skills is accompanied by a hand waving at the air over her head. haha, get it. sell short? and she is short? comedy gold.

she plucks at her (unnecessarily) tuned strings to (pointlessly) test them. this time her eyes stay on the woman next to her.

"mostly i just go to school," after a beat she corrects, "trainer school. the normal stuff wasn't really working out for me."

"otherwise, i don't know, i just try to stay out of the house mostly. go to shows. bum around."

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POSTED ON Jul 30, 2022 21:52:10 GMT
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will's not exactly tall herself (and man if she doesn't notice it when she's standing around bo) so she can definitely appreciate a good self-deprecating short joke. willow joins in on her laughter, green eyes drifting to her plucking. she has a feeling roxie isn't the most comfortable with her stares so she looks outward, onto the street. 

"eh, no shame in that. my dad never got himself a formal education. hell, i never studied past high school." and even then, that had been a stretch. she'd wanted to drop out to take care of roman full time, but her parents had forced her to finish an education (something she will always admire of them and be thankful for). 

"mmm, well, would you take lessons if you could? guitar lessons, i mean."
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POSTED ON Aug 1, 2022 21:52:01 GMT
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it does help a little. when the woman looks away. it's not that roxie has anything against her, but scrutiny in general makes her skin crawl a bit. positive, negative, she's worried that if anyone looks at her for too long they'll see things she doesn't want them to.

you don't have to worry about that when their eyes are somewhere else.

"yeah?" she replies on education, "that's cool. i mean, it's cool that you both kind of did your own thing. which i guess means it's cool i'm doing my own thing so . . . thanks for the perspective?"

god, the longer this conversation goes on the worse she's getting at it. thankfully she's thrown a lifeline. the topic of guitar lessons is way more comfortable and accessible than the do's and don'ts of getting an education.

"oh, totally! i've seen a couple places advertising but they're all stupid expensive or overlap with class, though. the busking is nice but it's, like, food money. just saving up for the guitar cleaned out all the fun budget."

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POSTED ON Aug 5, 2022 0:50:46 GMT
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awkward teen years. something willow doesn't miss. granted, she'd always been a little outgoing. her parents had thrown her in front of the customer service window pretty quickly and once she got talking about flowers, well... but furtive glances, holding filler conversation - she understands the nervousness. 

a few people passing by give them a couple looks. and willow thinks oh, she could probably be making more money right now

so she gets to her point. "well, would you think it fun to help out around a farm? a flower farm." she finally glances to the side at her. "err, bee farm too. and i guess i do have a decent bit of livestock now. anyway, come whenever you can and i'll teach you to play?

"i have a little studio. all the tools you'll need to keep your guitar in shape. plenty of extra strings."
and then, realizing she's rambling, exhales and chuckles. "sorry if that's weird? i just, dunno, i come from a place where people help each other out and...well, is that something you might be interested in?"
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POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 21:02:01 GMT
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for a moment roxie just stares at the older woman. it's hard for her to make sense of what's just been said to her. all the words make sense on their own but . . .

"you mean if i just like, i don't know, water some flowers or whatever . . . " she starts, eyes moving as she visibly works through the thought, "you'll give me lessons for free?"

roxie's eyes move without her thinking. you're not supposed to look a gift horse in the mouth but this seems like a really good deal and -- well shit, she's even got the calluses on her fingers. she definitely at least plays.

"and tools and strings and stuff too?"

now her eyes move to her own guitar, her strings that are getting a little worn out. she thinks about all the stress she was feeling thinking about how she'd afford new ones when they went.

"uh . . . dude -- ma'am -- that's uh," she swallows hard. this stupid little act of kindness is not going to make her cry that's so fucking uncool, "i think i'd love that."

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POSTED ON Aug 28, 2022 19:01:18 GMT
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willow laughs a little bit and some of that awkward tension leaves her. she shakes her head. "no, i have pokemon that water and tend to the flowers, but there are plenty of other things that need done. it won't be easy work, but i'll be grateful for just a few hours every week."

her smile softens. "so not technically free? but yes. and yes, tools and strings and stuff too. arceus knows i have enough hand-me-downs from my dad. it'd make him happy to know they're being used."

she pulls out her phone and hands it to roxie so the girl can put her contact info in. "heck, if you're not busy the rest of the day, you can swing by with me and check it out. no pressure, if ya still want to think on it."
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